Please note: ticket prices will increase on 31 December! Buy your DPC 2025 ticket now and save from € 45,-.
Once upon a time, developers were the unsung heroes of our world. The stereotypical developer, with glasses perched on the nose and an innate talent for science, even inspired the alter egos of [...]
A lot of companies think contributing to open source is hard, but is it? In this talk you will hear about how Ingewikkeld, a small Dutch development and consultancy company, has built a [...]
You've started a new job. As you dig deeper into the codebase, the WTFs per minute rate rapidly increases, and you're left wondering... "Where do I start?!". In this talk, I'll draw on [...]
Monad is a term that comes from functional programming, and some people swear by them for error handling. But what is a monad exactly? And what if told you, you may have actually [...]
Learn the "evergreen" skills that every software developer needs to thrive in their career, regardless of the latest technologies and trends. In this talk, we'll explore some of these and how to cultivate [...]
Generics are a programming language concept. In short, they allow you to write typed code without being specifically linked to a particular type. Many languages already support generics more or less natively: Java, [...]
During this presentation, we are going to look at the new features that were introduced in PHP 8.3, and some in earlier versions. Join me to have a look at how the type [...]