
Must I show any proof of vaccination, recovery, or a negative coronavirus test when visiting the conference?

No. Since Friday 25th of February 2022, showing a proof of vaccination or negative test is no longer necessary. Still we want to be careful, so we recommend wearing a face mask inside in crowded environments. Also, the fist bump is still safer than a handshake.

09/05/2022|Categories: |

Has Webdevcon taken extra measures with regard to air ventilation?

The event is held in the Pathé building in Amsterdam North. The air ventilation of this venue complies with all laws and regulations. The air in the rooms does not circulate, it is completely refreshed every ten minutes. Their rooms are equipped with a complete climate treatment system. This keeps them nice and cool at all times, even in summer. In addition to these air treatments, we recommend wearing face masks, we promote the use of self tests before the conference if someone has symptoms associated with covid, and we ask people to stay at home in the case [...]

09/05/2022|Categories: , |