Observability in practice, so that issues have nowhere to hide

“I can’t reproduce it,” “we’ll need to add logs,” “we can’t test that in staging,” “it seems to have been broken for a while,” “it works locally,” …
If you hear these phrases regularly, this talk is for you.

During this talk, I introduce the concept of observability and how it can help developers always stay ahead of issues.
I then present the concrete approaches we have implemented, used on over 4 million websites, and our services, with daily production deployments and thousands of requests per second; all managed by only a dozen developers.
This includes:
– Error & Performance tracking, Tracing, and technical alerts with Sentry
– Functional alerts and data observability with Metabase
– Canary & shadow releases

If these techniques are unfamiliar to you, if you have difficulty implementing them, or if you simply want a refresher, this talk is a great opportunity to hear about practical experiences and tips on observability!


Session info:

Speaker: Mathieu Lamiot

Engineering Manager at WP Media

Date: 21 March 2025

Time: 10:55 - 11:40

Relevant tags:
Backend Stack-agnostic

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