Marcus Bointon

Marcus Bointon

Skier, biker, coder, PHPMailer maintainer, sysadmin, pentester, privacy advocate, speaker, baker, SO answerer, DBA, guitarist, drummer, daddy, in French alps at Devalps

When not working on,, supporting 1CRM at, writing & pentesting for Radically Open Security, or acting as a DPO, I’m the maintainer of PHPMailer, a top-10 PHP project on GitHub, and probably the world’s most popular email sending code. I’m a contributor to many other open-source projects, and I wrote the HTML5 email address spec. I’m an accomplished PHP coder, Linux sysadmin, technical writer, and MySQL DBA. I’m a strong advocate of digital rights and privacy – I love GDPR! I’ve been speaking at technical conferences in Europe and around the world since 2006. I live in the French alps with my wife, kids, cat, guitars, bikes, and far too many skis.

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